The Simple Dollar -  Financial Literacy Resources; includes this particularly good article on students getting their first credit cards (dos and don’ts).

CareerCast Ranking of 100 Professions

CareerCast Ranking of GHCHS - Student Loan Debt and Bankruptcy 

The Big Picture

Building Wealth: Flash presentation highlighting principles of financial literacy.  Source: St. Louis Federal Reserve 

Building Wealth Glossary  A list of vocabulary terms from Building Wealth.  These terms will be a part of the first midterm and fall final.  To prepare for these exams, students will be quizzed on these terms.  

Observations:  A site ……description pending.

2008 Financial Crisis Timeline: Description to follow.

Fixed Income Investments

Emma: No guys, this link is not a lead for a date.  Emma is valuable tool for researching individual issues of municipal bonds.

Investing In Bonds: This SIFMA site provides research tools for municipal bonds, corporate bonds, US Treasuries, and mortgage-backed securities.

Bond Laddering Example: All investment portfolios should have a balance between equities and fixed income investments. In terms of bonds, high school students have future ownership opportunities largely unavalable to their parents generation.  Just as mutual funds and exchange traded funds incresed the breadth of stock ownership in the seventies, eighties and nineties.  Since the turn of the millenium, on-line brokerage accounts have expanded an investor's ability to locate indivdual bond issues, and buy them in reasonable quantites.  Here students are taught the relative merits of owning individual bonds versus bond funds.  They learn to develop a laddered bond portfolio, and develop Excel spreadsheets to monitor these investments.

Equities/Stocks: See Stock Market Game

Candlestick Charts: Assessing Short Term Predictors:   Description to follow.

© Andrew Nelson 2012