Bibliography & Literature Review Materials

Academic Paper Components Beyond Body of the Paper

Literature Review Target Word Count = 1,500 words

Peer Reviewable Draft of Literature Review - Due Monday, October 29, 2018

Final Literature Review Submission Into Digital Portfolio 

Due Monday, November 5, 2018

Literature Review Checklist (Courtesy Mr. Wolf & Mr. Nelson)

Literature Review Writing Process (Video Courtesy WordVice) - Viewed in Class October 16)

Select Slides Reviewed In Class

IMG 2099
IMG 2100
IMG 2101
IMG 2102IMG 2103
IMG 2104
IMG 2105
IMG 2110

Here are some other helpful videos on how to write an academic literature review.

How to Write A Literature Review (Video Courtesy UCD)

Writing A Literature Review (Video Courtesy UL Writing Center)

Writing A Literature Review Hand-out (Thank you University of the Fraser Valley)

AP Research / GHC Library Resources 2017-8  Thank you to LE Spears for her comtinued strong support of GHC Capstone! We are lucky to have such a knwoledgable and dedicated resource.  Contact her with specific isssues you may encounter in accessing academic literature.

IMG 1920

Academic Writing Template

Annotated Bibliography Video

Purdue OWL Annotated Bibliographies

Academic Literature Review Presentation Checklist (Courtesy Mr. Wolf)

A Short Email Hits The Right Tone & Adds Efficiency To The Research Process 

Thank you Stephanie for Modeling A Valuable “Soft" Skill  

Screen Shot 2018-09-11 at 4.39.01 PM

Mr. Nelson Lecture  Using the LOCSH Headings To Begin The Research QUEST!!

Mr. Nelson Lecture - Good Sample of Note Card set

Mr. Nelson Lecture - Literature Review Chcklist

Mr. Nelson Lecture - Developing Research Questions, Mining Sources

Mr. Nelson Lecture - Ethical Guidelines For Statistical Research ; Institutional Review Board for Social & Behavioral Sciences - Types of Harm (UVA site) ; Institutional Review Board for Social & Behavioral Sciences - Vulnerable Participants (UVA site)

Mr. Nelson Lecture - Annotated Bibliography Rubric

Mr. Nelson Lecture - Method Selection - Options to Consider ; Methods Map (Mr. Wolf found this diagramatic approach to methodological design.

Ms. Spear GHC Library Research Request Form

IMG 2015

AP Research First Week Notes Fall 2018

IMG 1937

Library of Congress Subject Headings (LOCSH) 

LCSH - Link To Alphabetical PDF Files 

LCSH - On-line Public Access Catalog (OPAC)

OWL Purdue On-Line Writing Lab:  

MLA Formatting & Style Guide

(Good source for proper MLA citation.)

Contact An “Expert” or Foundational Source Author!!

(Sasha did it successfully, and it really made her life easier.)

Literature Review Samples From 2016-7  (See Mr. Nelson for more samples that match your research.)

Anam’s Paper - Effect of Dog Interactions on High School Students Mood & Anxiety

Hope’s Paper - Word Use in the Poetry of Anne Saxton & Sylvia Plath

Esther’s Paper- Korean Ethnic Identity & Assimilation Levels in an Ethnically Diverse Californian High School

Institutional Review Board

Decision Tree: Do I need an IRB?

Sample High School IRB



FIRST BIG DUE DATE - This assessment will be the major influence on your six-week progress grade. 


All Twenty Sources Due TBD 

If you are absent on Friday’s due date, you must submit your work via email by 7:30am Friday morning.  If you are short of twenty sources, think quality over quantity but know both are considered in this assessment of your preliminary research.  You will have an opportunity to earn back most points, but there will be a penalty for no submission.  This guideline is established to avoid students missing Friday to avaoid the deadline. 

Good Morning Capstone Student Colleagues:

The cancellation of school Thursday and Friday poses a challenge for wrapping up the semester efficiently but it shouldn't hurt our effectiveness.  As the fall semester is now nearly complete, you're all battle tested in overcoming unforeseen challenges so this loss of two days will be NBD.  

I'm emailing instructions for the next several days that accounts for the cancellation of school Thursday and Friday.  Little has changed except I'll adjust the assessment of the data processing (particularly where students don't have Excel at home).  Please review the following instructions carefully.  Some details are different and further explication is provided on how we will finish the semester including material requirements for the assigned day of the final.


 Your Literature Review is still due Friday morning.  I am attending the CA DECA Board of Directors Meeting on Friday, so you were always going to email me your PDF submissions during the period. Given the circumstances, I have extended the due time on Friday to NOON (12:00pm).  As I’ve previously explained, I need them submitted Friday to permit me sufficient assessment time.  Good luck with making your final revisions. I look forward to reading your submissions as you all have quite interesting topics.


#2 CONTINUE PROCESSING YOUR DATA IF YOU HAVE EXCEL AT HOME THIS LONG WEEKEND: If you have Excel at home, finish processing data. Processing data includes: a) running the Descriptive Statistics toolpak for all quantitative data; b) using the Histogram toolpak to create simple histogram/bar chart for all quantitative data; and c) use the CountIf formula to get counts/%s for all categorical variables.  Any Excel version since 2013 should be compatible with both of these toolpaks.  Completing these processing functions leaves you ready to assess your findings over the winter break.


#3 NO EXCEL AT HOME: If you don't have Excel at home, we'll do our best to catch you up on Monday and on the day of the final.  The priority Monday will be to make sure everyone has the requisite Excel skills to finish processing the data over the winter break (nothing new here, just review).  I will spend the beginning of Monday reviewing the Descriptive Statistics and Histogram toolpaks.  I'll then present a systematic process for reviewing your statistical findings and comparing them to comparable (sometimes identical) variables in your foundational research.  Using a process rather than "bouncing around", will greatly increase your assessing efficiency and will allow you to more readily find themes in your statistically significant findings.  These comparisons are an important part of your research alignment.  I would highly recommend finding a fellow student, family friend, neighbor etc. who can get you access to Excel 2013 or more recent over the winter break. My assessment of your data processing will consider these limitations.


#4 PREP Update Delayed To Scheduled Final Day - Monday was originally scheduled for updating our PREPs but losing the rest of this week changes things.  On the day of the final, all students will bring a printed copy of their final Literature Review for input into their PREP. In addition, students will be shown how to scale their "FINAL 100" to fit on a single page on Monday, and will be required to bring a print-out of this page to the final. Lastly, students will be asked to run a "Wordle" (or equivalent word cloud display) using their final Literature Review and bring a copy of this word cloud display to the final.  A color copy is preferred here as it will serve as a cover for your PREP notebooks.  Link to WORDLE.


That's all I can think of.  Please contact me with any thoughts or questions.  I pray you and your families all stay safe, and are far away from today's fires.  Mr. Nelson

© Andrew Nelson 2012