ASA's Career Center offers a wealth of resources related to careers in statistics. Statisticians are in high demand in a wide variety of fields. As the largest professional association for statisticians in the world, the ASA serves as the main clearinghouse for information about jobs, careers, an employment for the statistical profession.
"I am not much given to regret, so I puzzled over this one a while. Should have taken much more statistics in college, I think. :)" —Max Levchin, Paypal Co-founder
EXCEL FUNCTIONS; good basic information explaining how to use Excel functions.

Robert M. Romer; Pasewark & Pasework

GCF Learn
JP Pinto, Portugal, Spain
WORDLE: Create amazing custom cover pages with minutes of effort.
Improving ESR Presentations: In writing your Exceutive Summary Reports (ESR), learn from those students who preceded you. Follow these comments closely and you'll be on your way to an excelent grade. Take pride in what you submit.
Sampling Survey Report, Methods Section: A methods section explains the who, what, where, why and how for your sampling study. Use this template as a guide in writing the methods section of you executive summary report.

Inference Forms: These forms assist students in their presentations of basic inference procedures. These forms are used on all assignments and assessments involving inference. The support reflects a support that would not only be acceptable in the workplace, but encouraged to maintain consistency of staff production.
Confidence Interval, Proportion
Test of Significance, One-Sample Mean
Test of Significance, One-Sample Proportion
Chi Square, Goodness-of-Fit Test
Inference Outlines: Mr. Nelson prepared these outlines a few years ago when he taught AP Statistics. They are a good reference for presenting a formal four-step analysis of the following inference procedures.
Confidence Interval, Means & Proportions
Tests of Significance, One- or Two-Sided, One- or Two-Sample, Means & Proportions
Chi Square Tests of Significance, Three Types
Test of Significance For Slope, One- or Two-Sided

Chapter Two Presentation
Chapter Three Presentation
Chapter Four Presentation
Chapter Five Probability Presentation (PDF)
Chapter Six Presentation
Chapter Seven Presentation
Chapter Eight Presentation
Chapter Nine Presentation
Using Excel 2010 & The Normal Distribution
Article: Deferring Six Figures On Wall Street For Teaching Salary