2012-3 Portfolio of Work

UC GPA Calculator: The University of California family of universities require students to calculate their grade point averages in a common manner.  This calculation considers only sophomore and junior year courses.  Students receive a "bonus" of one grade point for approved honors and advance placement courses, subject to a maximum of eight points total. Physical education, many technical education classes (e.g. auto shop), and some non-visual  art classes are excluded from the calculation.  Frances, a first period Business Statistics student developed this GPA Calculator using Excel.   

Chris' Awesome Physical Fitness Calculators:  Students input their height, weight and performance levels on the CA Fitnessgram tests, either actual or planned.  His Caculator reports:

Body Mass Index (Another separate calculator is provided that only calculates BMI)      

 State Performance Designation (Healthy Fitness Zone, Needs Improvement or Needs Improvement - At Risk")

Perecentage of Performance Level Required To Meet Healthy Fitness Zone standard (Shows Students How Close They Are To Passing, Over 100% Shows How Far They Are Above The Minimum Performance Level)

Meagan's Marvelous Fitness Rank Calculator:  Female students input their height, weight and performance levels on four of the CA Fitnessgram tests (Mile Time, Curl Ups, Push Ups, and Trunk Lift).  Her caculator compares these students performance to the 2012 data benchmarks, and reports their percentile rank among all female students.

Katherine's Fun Formative Format:

Tatiana, Leidelle, & Veena EXpand EXcel To English: This work demonstrates the flexibility of Excel's structures. These three creative students experimented with communicating literary elements using a variety of Excel graphic display applications.  All of these displays could supplement writing assignments in their junior and senior English classes.  Similar visuals could be developed with other programs, but the choice of Excel streamlined the brainstorming process and required less time to implement their inspiration.  

© Andrew Nelson 2012